初见LGU | 教授带你入门之理工篇


Simon Pun(潘文安)

……if you are trying to find books in addition to the textbooks for freshmen for each course, then the course outline should have already made the recommendation. For instance, for Calculus 1, I have put down something like the following in the course outline.


  1. Required
    George B. Thomas Jr., Maurice D. Weir and Joel R. Hass “Thomas' Calculus”, 12th Edition, published by Pearson, 2009.
  1. Recommended
    James Stewart, “Single Variable Calculus”, 8th Edition, published by Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

However, if you are looking for more general reading recommendation for EIE or CS students, then the answer is much more complicated. This is because EIE and CS have many exciting and interesting areas. You can only find good introductory books specifically written for one particular area, but not for all areas. …… However, I would highly recommend our students to follow the following two groups on WeChat

  1. EETOP
  2. 程序员的那些事

Especially the first group provides some very high-level introduction to various fields in EIE from time to time.

注:CS 指 Computer Science 计算机科学与技术专业,EIE 指 Electronic Information Engineering 电子信息工程专业


As for freshmen, I suggest they focusing on:

  1. English study
    (subject terminology, typically on the back of subject textbooks);
  2. Time management
    (there are so many good books talking about that. You may take a look of YouTube: Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management, you can find his ppt on web too);
  3. Finding/consolidating your goals.

As for majors, I suggest students reading “Scientific American” (for sci and tech oriented students) and “Wall street journal”(for finance oriented students) as a habit.

附上张教授去年在 Physics 课上推荐的两册书:

  1. 杨维纮 – 力学与理论力学(上册)
  2. Richard Feynman – The Feynman Lectures on Physics

以及去年教授 Calculus 的周宪教授推荐给学有余力的同学们的,关于数学分析的书单:

  1. Walter Rudin – Principles of Mathematical Analysis
  2. 卢丁 – 数学分析原理(中文版)
  3. 菲赫金哥尔茨 – 数学分析原理
  4. 常庚哲、 史济怀 – 数学分析教程(2012-8-1 出版)
  5. John E. Hutchinson – Introduction To Mathematical Analysis(1994)(Revised by Richard J. Loy 1995/6/7)


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